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Saving models and history in Keras

· 4 min read

Usually, training neural networks takes a very long time. Sometimes you need to interrupt the execution of a script when you want to do something else that is equally resource-demanding or turn off the computer. I don't like leaving my PC overnight, so I stop training the neural network and resume training the next day.

So I decided to write code that would allow me to interrupt the execution of the script and also save the history so that I would have it for all script executions, not just the last one. In addition, I decided that the calculations would take as many epochs as I had planned.

The script looks as follows and is a modification of the example from the Keras repository.

Ok, time for the code. We start with imports:

import os
import keras
import cPickle
from keras.callbacks import Callback
from keras.models import load_model
# other imports

Then I created a MyHistory class that writes accuracy, validation accuracy, loss and validation loss at the end of each epoch. I created it because I needed to extract the history from the model when the script is interrupted (the KeyboardInterrupt exception is thrown). I haven't found any other way. It's possible that this could be done in a simpler way.

class MyHistory(Callback):
def __init__(self):
super(Callback, self).__init__()
self.history = {'acc': [], 'loss': [], 'val_acc': [], 'val_loss': []}

def on_epoch_end(self, batch, logs={}):
for key in self.history.keys():

Then I created three functions:

  • load_history — a function that loads the previous history saved to disk using the cPickle library
  • save_history — a function that saves history (also with cPickle)
  • merge_history — a function that merges the previous history with this new one
def load_history(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
history = cPickle.load(file)

return history

def save_history(history):
with open('history.pkl', 'wb') as file:
cPickle.dump(history, file)

def merge_history(previous, current):
history = { key: previous[key] + current[key] for key in current.keys() }
return history

Then, if the model exists, I load it. I also load the previous history, calculate based on the previous history how many epochs have already been completed and run the calculations when there are still some epochs left. I interrupt the script by handling the KeyboardInterrupt exception.

batch_size = 128
num_classes = 10
epochs = 40

# data loading and preprocessing here

if os.path.isfile('my_model.h5'):
print('Loading model...')
model = load_model('my_model.h5')
# model definition and compilation here

previous_history = None

if os.path.isfile('history.pkl'):
previous_history = load_history('history.pkl')

previous_epochs = 0

if previous_history is not None:
previous_epochs = len(previous_history['acc'])

epochs = epochs - previous_epochs

my_history = MyHistory()
history = None

if epochs > 0:
history =, y_train,
batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs,
verbose=1, validation_data=(x_test, y_test),
print('Training completed.')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('You pressed CTRL+C')
history = my_history.history

At the very end I merge and save the history:

    if history != None and type(history) is not dict:
history = history.history

if previous_history != None and history != None:
history = merge_history(previous_history, history)

if history != None and len(history['acc']) > 0:


The above script managed to save the model and history so that I can stop the calculations at any time. The only thing I need to check is whether when restarting val_loss is taken from the saved model or whether it starts from the first script in a given execution. This is a problem because if the restarted script starts over, the old value is lost and if there is little left to the end of the calculations, a situation may arise where we end up with a model with worse weights than we should.

An example with working code can be found here.