This post is about the Starcraft bot I am developing using machine learning. The project is being developed as part of the "Daj Się Poznać 2017" competition.
This whole week I was wondering what path to take for my bot project. I wanted to use Deeplearning4j, but this library conflicts with BWMirror, which requires Java 32-Bit. An alternative is to rewrite the entire project from BWMirror to JNIBWAPI. The second alternative is to rewrite the project to C++, which I am not very interested in because I don't feel good in this language. I mean, not in Java either, but writing in Java is easier to learn. However, I finally decided to take up TorchCraft. Of course, I lose the opportunity to participate in SSCAIT, but I think it will be better to finally do something related to reinforcement learning using a ready-made environment. If I had to do the same in Java, it would take me a lot of time.