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2 posts tagged with "torch"

Posts related to the PyTorch library.

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Torchcraft - analysis and changing the game state

· 6 min read

This post is about the Starcraft bot I am developing using machine learning. The project is being developed as part of the "Daj Się Poznać 2017" competition.

In the last post about the project I described how the maps look like and wrote how to create a basic script that connects to Starcraft and downloads the game state in a loop, or rather each subsequent logical frame games. I don't think I've written yet what a logical game frame is. The thing with logical frames is that graphics rendering is independent of calculations that change the game state. The frame rate is not constant and depends on the speed of your computer. The game state is calculated every interval. If you have played Starcraft, you probably know that you can set the game speed in the options. Changing the speed results in a change in the time between logical frame calculations. This is a fundamental difference, if we had constant 30 or 60 FPS, the issue would probably be solved differently.

TorchCraft - basic script

· 4 min read

This post is about the Starcraft bot I am developing using machine learning. The project is being developed as part of the "Daj Się Poznać 2017" competition.

This week I was going to write about Torch itself and how to create neural networks in it, but I decided that I would focus on the very basics of TorchCraft itself and its interaction with Starcraft. TorchCraft, unfortunately, has poor documentation and apart from the installation description, almost everything has to be figured out based on examples from the examples directory.